My Red LightSpeed

My Red LightSpeed

April 29, 2008

LightSpeed and Support

There is a LightSpeed section on that is very helpful, a neat kind of users group. We have helped each other on there with our common problems. But if you have a problem (stacking, missing strokes comes to mind), in addition to posting here, please, please call support and let them know what's going on.

If we don't tell them what the problem is, they won't know and can't help us. If only one LS user calls with, say, dropped strokes, support will think the problem is particular to that person because no one else said anything. Plus, the cost of support is paid when you buy your writer, so you might as well use it!!!

April 22, 2008


The Configuration file.

When you save your settings, whether they be the config or the sensitivities of the LS writer, it is saved to a file with a .ini extension. The default file is called config.ini.

Here is how I suggest naming your config files. When you save changes, name your file
config[date]A. If you save again on the same day, use B. [date] is the date you save your config. This way, if you make a change that does not work out well for you, you can go back to a previous save. Periodically, you can delete out the old saved config files.

April 15, 2008

Pink LightSpeed!

The PINK LightSpeed at the NCRA Midyear in Boston! Thanks to Candis Bradshaw for sharing her pictures of the conference.

Standing on the left is Johnny Jackson, on the right is Carmen Santone, and sitting at the LightSpeed is Ed Varallo. The other two people in the picture are unnamed students.

April 7, 2008

The perfect LightSpeed case!!!!!

Thank you, Laura Renke, for finding the perfect LS case -- the Saunders ReadiMate Portable Desktop. Just add padding (a piece of packing foam will do). There is a litle area for your USB cable. Laura further modified hers by removing the clip, but I'm leaving mine for now.
You can get it at Sams Club online for only $20.82. (I didn't have to pay shipping and got in in two days) at