I'm so embarrased -- I haven't posted for a whole year! I guess I didn't say *which* November 2nd I was talking about in the last post!
The LSX has been put in cold storage. I think it was probably before its time. Hopefully it will show up again in the future.
The new LS which will be out in the next couple of weeks is the LSQ, a LightSpeed and a computer keyboard in a machined-aluminum case. A little heavier, but sturdy on your lap. I posted a picture on the Stenovations FaceBook page at https://www.facebook.com/#!/StenovationsInc
I've taken it out on my jobs this week. It is great to be able to edit in my transcript without scooting around and moving my hands up to the computer and away from my machine. This is the first week I've not used my red LS, and I miss her a little bit!