Hi, LightSpeeders!
Here is a new deal for the new, improved silicon overlay, or LSX, which is not out yet and we have no estimated date.
Johnny has determined that the silicon overlay is not sensitive enough. He has developed a new silicon overlay, the LSX, which will have softer silicon and some modifications: adding more sensors to make the sensitivity equal to the original LS, sensors under the cracks (woot!) and dedicated keys to the AO and EU. Don't ask me how this is going to look, because I have no idea. I don't have a concept or other picture. Someone posted on here that Carmen had a picture in California, but I haven't seen it.
If you have a silicon overly LS, you can send it in and have the new overlay (when it's ready, and, no, I don't know when that will be) installed in your writer. There will be an extension of the warranty for the reporters who have bought the current silicon overlay model. The new LSX overlay will be installed at no cost and their warranty extended a year from that date.
He has said, if you plan on having the new LSX installed in your current silicon overlay, you can trim the ridges without voiding the warranty. The new LSX will be $3,000. We will let the original LS owners to trade in at the 100% policy on the LSX or the StarLight, which will have the same keyboard as the LSX.
I'm off to find the razor blade to trim my ridges!
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