My Red LightSpeed

My Red LightSpeed

August 10, 2009

LightSpeed with silicon overlay

The new silicon overlay on the LightSpeed. The keyboard is one piece. There is a raised notch on some of the keys and two bridges -- strips of silicon -- between the * and the FR and between the TS and DZ. I couldn't get a good ppicture of the notches. I'm working on it.
The same material will be used for the keyboard on the StarLight.

August 9, 2009

I gots a prototype

Yipee! Johnny allowed me to take a prototype from the conference. I'm going to play on it in the airports and planes today as I head back to Montgomery. (I miss my dogs and cat terribly! Oh, my husband too.

The silicon overlay feels very nice. I haven't been able to get a good picture because it is black and it just doesn't do well. I will work on that when I get home.

August 6, 2009

Can you say "wow!"?

The StarLight, the next generation of LightSpeed. Full steno machine, computer, computer keyboard, touch screen. O. M. G.!!

NCRA convention in D.C.

I'm here! Today is vendor software training and the opening of the exposition. Got a lot to do today! Please come by and visit me at the Stenovations booth.

August 5, 2009

See you in D.C.!

I'm off this afternoon to the NCRA conference in Washington, D.C. See all you LightSpeeders (and potential LightSpeeders) there. I can't wait to meet you!

August 3, 2009

LightSpeed Next Generation -- The StarLight


Stenovations president Johnny Jackson announced that his company's next generation writer will be forthcoming around the Christmas holidays.

The StarLight, the current code name, will support audio recording, have a touch screen and multiple backup choices.

It will have a Windows® operating system, which means reporters and students will be able to load their personal CAT software on the writer.

The StarLight's weight will be in the range of two pounds, and the height will be an inch at its thickest point.

Mr. Jackson stated that anyone who has bought, or will be buying, a LightSpeed from Stenovations will receive 100% credit toward the purchase of a StarLight.

Mr. Jackson also announced that he has retired from reporting and is devoting all of his professional time to overseeing the design, development and manufacturing of the StarLight and future writers, as well as digitalCAT software.