Got the new update today. Lots of changes! The spedometer is gone, which I kind of liked the way it looked, but it really didn't do much but sit there and look pretty.
Under the sensitivities button, there are three tabs: Basic Thresholds, Single-Key Thresholds, and Combination Rule.
Basic Thresholds is the same as the old spedometer settings, but instead of a spedometer, there is a Pressure View. When you press a key, the top number is the pressure number you've applied to the key, and it stays there until you press again. That way, you don't have to keep your eye on the red needle.
Single-Key Thresholds is new. This is a threshold for pressing one key only, like if you end up with "be be be be be" from touching the -B key accidentally. You would set the threshold number higher so that when you brush the key by itself it will not register. But the threshold in the Basic area will not change when you change these numbers under Single.
Combination Rule: Very new! No more percentages. There is an upper keyboard and lower keyboard in the software setting interface. You are not limited to just two-key combinations; you can do three and four keys. I'm going to use -PBLT as an example, where you have dragged the L. On the top keyboard, choose PB T, and the bottom keyboard, choose L. You would then set the number at the bottom (which should default to your basic threshold) to a higher number so that when you hit all those keys in combination, the L has a higher threshold and won't register, and you'll get PB T. (BTW: If you're on digitalCAT, you can take care of this in your Dictionaries Window with the Misstroke Options) You cannot use keys in combination from both the right and left side of the keyboard. You have to stick to one side.
Combination rule also works for droppped letters in a stroke. If you are setting a threshold in combination that you drop, then you would set the threshold LOWER than the basic threshold. An example of this might be -PB D, where you drop the P and mean for it to be there. So you would set the - B D in the top keyboard, and choose -P in the bottom keyboard. You would then set the sensitivity LOWER, so that when you hit those three keys in one stroke, the P won't drop.
The new config file is called config.xml. When you load the update, it will overwrite your config.ini, even if you have renamed it something like "Greta_config" or something other than config. When I say overwrite, it will not overwrite your values you have set for your sensitivities.
Under Anti-Stacking options (the third button with the little arrows going around) has a new check box at the bottom called, Use "fast" key processing. Johnny explained this to me briefly. It is more something for him to use with his prototypes and nothing we need to use. I clicked it, and at least it didn't hurt, but I noticed no differece. It is something to do with when you save your settings and it does something faster.
Hope this helps! I'm always so excited with the new stuff on my LS.